Wednesday, September 19, 2012

From Grandma's Journal

My Dad's family does a family newsletter every month, different families contribute and try to keep everyone posted on what is going on.  I'm terrible at contributing but I always look at it when it comes to my inbox each month.  One thing I always love to see, is every now and then, one of my aunts will post something from my Grandma John's journal.  I never knew that she wrote poems, but she was really good!  Her poetry is always inspiring, and this one tonight brought a smile to my face, and I thought I would share:

When you feel a bit discouraged
At the outcome of the plan…
When your efforts go unnoticed,
Though you do the best you can.
When you think that no one gives a hoot
If things go well or not…
Smile…You know God Loves you
Not a little, but a lot!

When a golden chance escapes you,
Or a friendship hits a snag
When the showers stop the sunshine,
And your hopes and spirits lag,
When you seem to be neglected,
Or you feel you’ve lost your way…
Smile…You know God loves you,
Every minute of the day!

If you doubt this bit of wisdom,
Think of all he’s done for you,
All the blessing he has given,
All the dreams that did come true
All the many little favors…
That have proved His love has no end,
He is more than just “Our Father”
He’s an understanding friend!

So when troubles come in bunches,
And you don’t know where you’re at,‘
Cause life’s rosy hopes and promises
Have fallen pretty flat.
Lift your chin and square your shoulders,
And then smile for all you’re worth
For just to know God loves you…
Is the greatest joy on earth.

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