Wednesday, July 1, 2009

What A Month!!

This month has been really busy, and REALLY fun. We spent 2 weeks with my family in Texas for Courtney's wedding, and the Nobles family reunion. I took tons of pictures, but here is just a sampling of what our month entailed.

Abigail with her beautiful Aunt Courtney

Charles turned 25!

We spent Father's Day at Nana & Papa's

Got lots of play time with Pops

Had fun with cousins
Charles and I got some quality time with Kyle and Alissa :)
Abigail found a doll that she can't live without- Thanks Mimi

Got some lovin' from Mimi
Discovered OtterPops... and LOVED them
Swam in open water...
and came home $5 richer... thanks to the annual Bingo game :)


mspaze31 said...

Oh man what a cutie she is! she totally looks like charles. Glad to see ya'll are having such a great time.

Nancy John said...

Love the pictures Heather. Thanks for sharing them...

allison said...

SO fun! Your sister does look gorgeous. And I love that picture of Charles and chubs swimming, so funny! She is so cute. I also went "awwww!" when I saw the picture of Henry because Steven and I miss seeing him at least every Sunday at church, and of course, Kyle and Alissa too.