Lately, I have been making a mental list of some of my favorite things about Abigail, here is what I have come up with. There are lots more in my head, so we'll see if I can take the pictures to match :) More to come!
Abigail has been a trooper the past couple of weeks. It started because I got a cold, and of course gave it to her- then I took her on an airplane for the first time and we were all off schedule for a couple of days with our trip. When we got back, she finally started getting over her cold, and then she had too get her first set of immunizations. That was so sad... she did better than I did with it though, I think :) She had a couple of hard days after the shots, but she really did SO well with it all. She is such a great little baby! I had to post the pictures of her cute little chubbo thighs with the bandaids on them from her shots.
This weekend Abigail and I took a little weekend trip down to Utah to go to Andria's wedding (my old roommate). It was a very quick, very busy trip, but we got to see a few friends and family in the two days we were there. Abigail did great, but we were both worn out when we got home yesterday. We really wish we could have seen a few more people when we were there, but we simply had NO time to make the rounds. Hopefully we will make it down sometime soon where we get to see more family and friends.
These are from a quick stop I made by Abi's great-grandma Himmer's house were she got to meet a little bit more family for an hour before I hit the airport.
Andria, Bonnie, and us- Bonnie was mine and Andria's boss at BYU. She is an INCREDIBLE woman that I learned so much from and really love and respect. I am so grateful to have such a great job and to be able to work with such amazing people.
Today was a special day for us to be able to bless our little Abigail. Charles was able to bless her surrounded with several other worthy men who love her dearly. I know it was a very special experience for Charles to be able to hold his little girl and bless her with many great things as she grows into a young woman. We missed lots of family who wasn't able to be with us today, but were SO blessed to be able to have so much family here. Abigail is a very special little girl. She has an amazing little spirit in that body. She is such a calming, peaceful influence. I know great things are going to come from her. I can't help but think of the phrase- "Small things bring forth that which is great." Charles and I have both felt strongly that she has a very special spirit that is going to do a lot of good in this world. We feel so blessed to have her as a part of our family :)
Abigail had some fun visitors this weekend here for her big weekend. Mom, Papa, and Brad all made the long flight to come up for her blessing today. Yesterday we went out to Point Defiance Park to the beach and walked along the water for a little bit. Here are some pictures from our day out, and me sporting my new Moby wrap :)
Abigail loved Papa, he was so sweet with her and got lots of big grins from her
Brad got her grinning a lot too- this smile is while he was holding her
Ok, I just got home from my first 'postpartum' run and WOW. I have to say, it did feel really good to get out there and hit the road again, but man oh man- I might not be able to move tomorrow. Maybe Abigail will start crawling tomorrow, so she can just come to ME when she's hungry :) I didn't know hips could hurt so bad, but man alive! Haha... I don't really have anything of importance to blog about right now- just thought I would document that these are not the hips they used to be :) Do they go back to normal???
I finally got around to picking some pictures and putting a baby announcement together for Abigail this week. I put in a copy of it, and I am sending some out this week. If you are reading this, and don't get one, but want me to send you one- leave a comment with your address and I will GLADLY send one. Rather than try to track down a million addresses, I am taking a little bit of the lazy route and going digital to a certain extent. Anyway- Abi is 6 weeks old now and doing really well. She is getting REALLY close to sleeping through the night. We have had a couple of nights that she has gone 6-7 hours straight. Now she has been waking up around 3:00, but only for a few minutes and then she goes back to sleep. She is taking it easy on me for now :)