Friday, July 6, 2007


As some of you know, I am taking on an adventure this term trying to learn Chinese. I missed the first week of class for the family reunion, so now I am trying to catch up. I spent about 8 hours yesterday studying the dang characters. I got up 2 hours early and studied before class this morning for our quiz today, which didn't go too hot. Let me tell you... English is a piece of CAKE!! Today my teacher said: "Chinese isn't as easy as you guys think!" I wanted to say... I'm sorry, does anyone here think this is easy??? Anyway- its a fun challenge, I have a new found respect for Charles, thats for sure. I had him pray in Chinese last night, it took a couple tries for me to make it through without laughing. Its just so different!

Anyway- I finally feel like it is summer and I have a little bit of time to play with! It's great! We decided today to run a half marathon next month. Should be another fun challenge! We registered today and have about 5 weeks to train... bring it on!! I'll let you guys know how that goes. I think Kyle is going to do it with us too, so that should be fun. I have some pictures I need to upload from the reunion, I will get on that, I got some cute ones of the little kids I am excited about, and a killer booty shot of all of us in our nancy john day shirts!! We had a blast last week! It was so good to see everyone.

For the 4th we went and floated down the Provo River. I was expecting a similar experience to floating the rivers in Texas... boy was I wrong!! The water was 45 degrees!! It was pretty fun though, nice and relaxing! We watched the fireworks from our roof that night. They were really cool. It was probably the best fireworks show I have ever seen!

Anyway- I'll get some pictures up soon!

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