Monday, February 22, 2010


The weather has been really nice here lately, so we have spent LOTS of time outside this week. Abigail just can hardly stand to be inside and not out exploring. I love that we live right across from a horse pasture that always has at least 2 horses for us to go give grass to.
But I think Abigail loves it more than I do.

In the first video, Abigail is picking grass and throwing over to the horse and saying "Thank you"

Untitled from Charles Himmer on Vimeo.

And in this one, she is having a hard time saying goodbye.

On a side note: Did I mention that on Saturday, I spent the whole day at training, and now I am a certified Zumba instructor?? I am really excited. Don't know what Zumba is? Check it out here.

And... did I mention that we are going to Hawaii on Thursday, and that Courtney and Daniel are meeting us there?

I'm pretty thrilled about life right now :)


Katherine Young said...

how fun i want to be a fitness instructor! that would be so fun. and HAVE SO MUCH FUN IN HAWAII!!!

Janiel said...

Oh that is so exciting about you being a ZUMBA teacher!! I would really love to come to a class sometime :) Take lots of pictures of Hawaii!! I miss ya like crazy!!